Why Hacktoberfest is one of the best ways to start with Open Source.

Why Hacktoberfest is one of the best ways to start with Open Source.

Hey!, y'all Hacktoberfest is back. In this article, I've talked about how you can kickstart your open source journey with it and why you should be doing that.

So Aman, What exactly is Open source?

  • Have you ever played any video on VLC Media player? That's open-source.
  • Have you ever heard about Linux? That's open source.
  • You might be reading this blog on Mozilla Firefox, the browser's open source.
  • You must've heard about the first Mars Helicopter, ingenuity took flight. But you know what's more amazing? Nearly 12,000 developers on GitHub contributed to Ingenuity’s software via open source. Yep, their code is on Mars! 😎

Doesn't it sounds amazing?

Any software whose source code is available freely and can be easily accessed, modified, copied, and even redistributed easily, comes under Open source software. It is collaborative, relies on community and peer review to use, change, and share source code with each other. Developers share insights, ideas, and code to create more innovative software solutions both collectively and individually.

Whoa, It indeed sounds Amazing. Tell me how to get started.

Open Source can be a little confusing and intimidating while starting. Once you're in, you'll gradually learn how it works and things go around. You can look up multiple videos on how to start with open source and stuff but, until and unless you test the waters yourself you'll never get in the zone .

You don't have to be an expert in any field you want to get started with. If you know the basics you can just hop on the wagon and learn most of the things along the way.

But you need to have a basic knowledge of Version Control Systems, Git and GitHub.

Okay. So how can Hacktoberfest help me?

Hosted by Digital Ocean Hacktoberfest is a month-long event celebrated every year in the month of, yes you guessed it right, October to show your love for the Open source and the community.

In it's eight iteration Hacktoberfest 2021 returns again.

The reason why you should start with Hacktoberfest is that you can find really easy projects to work upon and the community support this month would be immense, as people would be more active. So getting help won't be an issue. You should surely join its awesome Discord Community and start engaging with developers around the globe and they would be more than happy to help you with anything.

Also, if during the entire month of October you contribute to any open-source project and get your at least 4 Quality pull requests merged, you can win a free limited edition Hacktoberfest 2021 T-Shirt and other swags.

But contributing to the Open source and making quality pull requests should always be your first priority.


Head over to the official Hacktoberfest 2021 website to know more about the event and make sure you're joining their Discord Server


Hey! Y'all ⚡⚡ I'm Aman, a Frontend developer who also happens to know about python and Java. I am on my journey to be a full-stack developer and I post blogs and share useful tips about Web Development, Programming Tips, Self Improvement, and everything in between.